We are Authors too!

Mmm ...that smells good! The Pizza order

In this story, Chef Dip, inspires us to be around people who are different than us.
Click the image to read the story online.
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Mmm ...that smells good! The Cake Pops

In this story, Chef Nuk, inspires us to always be willing to try something new.
Click the image to read the story online.
Order your copy here!

About the Chefs/Authors

Chef Dip is the lead chef on the Dip Show and he works alongside sous Chef Nuk. They show kids how to cook and how they do things differently, but can still work together. Chef Dip and Chef Nuk is bringing awareness to their peers about students with disabilities, through food. They both are scholars in elementary school.

"We hope our stories give you courage."

Mmm ...that smells good!SM